Every biker knows that in the event of an accident a person must have:
Pushing the limits of Aramids and Ethylene fibres, we use only the highest quality spinning techniques available. Improving tensile strength and converting them into fabrics using exclusively elite blends we developed a 3rd generation PEKEV® fabric - this is one of the strongest and most stable fabrics in the world!
Made from the world’s toughest polymer, it has the highest breaking point for yarn. The tensile strength of the overall fabric is unsurpassed among all contemporary protection layers. It has the highest impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made, it’s highly resistant to corrosive chemicals (with exception of oxidizing acids), has extremely low moisture absorption, a very low coefficient of friction, is self-lubricating and is highly resistant to abrasion - in some forms being 15 times more resistant to abrasion than carbon steel. It is highly resistant to water, moisture, most chemicals, UV radiation, and micro-organisms.
Our fabric is internationally field tested and ready for the most demanding motorbike riders of the world. Where other brands fail to perform in safety, durability and comfort we excel - wash after wash and drag after drag!
PEKEV® features:
Unlike aramid fabric which degrades quickly PEKEV® is strong against:
Ionic enzyme washing. In 90% of cases aramid fibres are treated with ionic enzymes when washing denim, so performance is affected right from the point of manufacturing. Aramids are sensitive to acids. PEKEV® is unaffected.
Bleach. Chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite) treatment completely destroys the strength of aramid fabrics. PEKEV® remains unaffected.
Ultra violet (sunlight to you and me). In strong sunlight, or a high UV environment, aramid fibres degrade and life cycle is reduced. With PEKEV® there is no degredation and the fibres are unaffected.
Moisture. Aramid strength is affected by moisture and washing. PEKEV® is again not affected.
Detergents. Superior chemical resistance means that the performance of PEKEV® is unaffected by these.
Heat dispersion. Most aramid fabrics retain heat and do not breathe PEKEV® disperses body heat and is breathable, so keeps you cool comfortable and able to focus even on long runs on sunny days.